Tuesday, February 15, 2011


ive been doing some philosophy lately, and i'm pretty sure stealing is barely wrong. stealing from your friend is shitty, but forgiveable. stealing from your enemies is agressive, but wrong? that is as wrong as it gets. stealing at its most pure is an act of desperation, survival. its never wrong to steal food. its not wrong to steal a coat from a closet full of coats. not if yer cold. stealing can even make you a hero. like robin hood. be honest, its the stealing from the rich part that made him a hero, even if he didn't really share with the poor. i dunno, man, some people think stealing justifies killing, but for those people stealing is worse than killing. people who believe that are damned. people with guns are damned. it takes a simple fucking mind to give a shit about stealing. stranger robs me its no big deal. took my coat? thats okay, maybe they were cold. steals my sandwhich? maybe they were hungry. steal my fucking books? thats okay, i can share my knowledge, i stole it from that book too. steals my paintings? thats okay, the only thing that gives them value is how much an art thief wants to steal them. steals my money? fuck money. you can steal from me if you are my brother. and yer all my brothers lets be honest. even my sisters are my brothers. and you can't steal from a corporation like walmart or the waltons without being robin hood. whats robin hood? robin hood is a hero. it should be illegal not to steal from the rich.have you ever stolen a bag full of baseball bats from a dugout and ran? tell me its no thrill. that shit is fun. now look, you are my friends, i'm not going to steal from you. but if you make hotdogs and i'm hungry i'm gonna snatch a fuckin hot dog, even without your permission. and yer gonna be allright with that, because you can't steal food. and if you catch me drinking from your hose you better not be mad at me neither. or mad at anybody for stealing from you. show some compassion, show some morals and show some grace when somebody steals from you. especially if it was a well planned heist. you think stealing your shit like a thief in the night was easy? no, its alot of pressure, its risky, and its hard, honest work. the thief deserved your stuff more than you did for pulling off that heist. grow a fucking brain. stealing isn't bad, its good.


  1. What if I work on Wall Street and steal from poor people?

  2. like all the thieves who died in twin towers on wallstreet?

    you make a good point, sam little, especially about the september 11th attacks, not only did you disprove my theory that stealing is good, but you proved that those 9 11 victims were anything but innocent.

    they caused real grinding misery for people all over the planet. their sick little game didn't just steal from poor people, it enslaved them all over the world and caused wars and mass starvation.

    wall street is so evil, thank you for pointing out that the twin towers was basically the Deathstar.

  3. For a long time I always maintained that if I caught a robber stealing from my house I would offer he/she money and an ear of compassion.

    Nowadays, I have so many weapons hidden around the house for the advent of the zombie apocalypse that I don't believe I could control myself. I am now conditioned to kill without prejudice because what has proven to be the greatest evil during post apocalyptic zombie times?

    Humans, more specific, robber humans.
