Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I hate rudy bday party

Philbrook Underground Life Drawing Room, Philbrook

Created By

More Info
for my bday
and while we are there
my bday wish
is for you
and me
...to draw
the nude model in her poses
but as a ninja turtle
every drawing
thats my idea for a bday party

life drawing ninja turtle bday party
thats the real name and purpose of the birthday party.
not really for the rudy haters.

it costs ten dollars.

the code is this please.
don't laugh at the model or talk to her or make comments about her body, please, she's a naked human being with feelings, and what we'll be doing will not be funny to her if she doesn't know what we are up to, so we have to be smooth criminals. this is tricky, because we'll be drawing her as a ninja turtle which could be taken rudely if you can't control your gleeful emotions while drawing a naked woman and a ninja turtle at the same time.

on the one hand i'm bound to a code of life drawing ethics, and on the other hand i'm going to be drawing a nude female human being with feelings as a ninja turtle and encouraging my friends to do the same thing in silent glee because i somehow feel entitled to do something beautiful with my friends for my birthday.

this event may violate every principle i ever learned in life drawing class, i'm aware of that.
unless of course she's in on it.

and she is of course, invited.

but i'm pretty sure this event will have a grand total of two people show up to it tops, so i'm not too worried we'll get out of control or become banned from life drawing at the philbrook.

the fewer the people the cooler and more clandestine it'll be, but the more people who go, my my, that would be beautiful too.

and who cares if you can't draw. the best drawings are made by fuckers who cannot draw.

i expect my closest friends to attend. you are invited.

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