Friday, February 18, 2011

Grifter vs. Gambit

11x17 Microns, Ink Wash.

I have to say that these are some of the coolest looking superheroes.  At least in my opinion, so it was fun to finally draw them together.

I did this piece for's PUMMEL competition.  It is a monthly contest where two artist go head to head on the same subject matter.  The rest of the site votes for their favorites and the winner moves up the ranks.  I just started but it seems like a great way to push your envelope.  I suggest you try it if you are looking for a way to get better and get outside of your comfort zone.

First you get placed into a rank division.  Light, middle, light heavy, heavy.  I got light heavy.  Everyone on the site votes on 3 pieces of your work.  Then monthly you 'fight' against the person near your rank in your division on the higher rank's selected topic.

Here's the link


  1. That's badass, man. I really like the sketchy quality and the diffuse background.

  2. That sounds pretty cool - Are there sub divisions for different styles?

  3. I'm going to have to try this. I like how they handicap the weight classes. I'm going to vote for myself as often as possible!

  4. They don't have different divisions for styles. but they are some fairly diverse styles that compete. Though I think they tend to lean towards the realistic/super hero look. But you still got stuff like this
