Tuesday, November 1, 2011


It’s kind of smelly but no worse than a teenager’s room.

A good way to trap Bigfoot is to get him where he lives. Thanks to his distinctive footprints, Bigfoot can be easily tracked to the cave in which he dwells. You can tell if it is indeed Bigfoot’s cave if the walls are covered with issues of The Weekly World News he’s appeared in and lingerie from his many groupies. Place a bear trap in Bigfoot’s bed or under his stack of homemade porn and wait. When you hear some expletives coming from the cave, you know your trap has clamped onto some Sasquatch flesh. Only enter Bigfoot’s cave while he’s out. Be very careful though. If Bigfoot finds you messing with his stuff, he will beat you.

1 comment:

  1. These are the stuff Steve! I was about to ask about Bigfoot's homemade porn but then decided not to. Yeti's deserve their privacy. It's just better for everyone all around.
