Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Devil of Greed

I was thinking about what sort of devil to draw for September, and I came back to an image that came to me in a dream I had some years ago. It was one of those rare dreams I get where everything is classical 2D animation, very colorful and well-rendered. I dreamed about this sophisticated foppish devil who dressed like a dandy and carried a cane. He was a very rotund fellow with an evil grin, like he knew all your weaknesses, and was ready to use them to trap you in a bargain for your soul. This here's the pencil drawing I did of him, and hopefully I'll be able to color it before the month is out...


  1. Wicked!! Love the dandy fop. There's something kinda Richard Williams and very creepy about this one. De~vil!

  2. It's weird trying to draw something from a dream, I'm not sure I completely got it. I'll see how I feel about it once he's coloured
