Thursday, December 15, 2011

PVT Squeakems

PVT Squeakems was a mouse featured in the Bill Murray movie: 'Scrooged.' Murray's character pretended to almost staple tiny antlers to his head. In real life, when the cameras weren't rolling, he actually DID. Squeakems went nuts and started killing everyone on set. This is a little known story. Thankfully, Santa and his Woodland Creature Commandos enlisted him in order to put his murderous tendencies to good use.


  1. Interesting. So how does the story continue?

  2. Thanks Sean!
    BassPlaya: PVT Squeakems is in talks with a high powered hollywood agent about starring in a sequel to Scrooged called: "Scrooged 2: Weekend at Murray's" which promises to be the feel good movie of the season. I'll let you know more if and when Squeakems answers my emails.

  3. I see this picture and the caption on top, and you know what I think of?? A Trading Card Game.

    PVT Squeakems
    Woodland Creature Commando

    10 attack
    2 defense

    If Egg Nog card is in play, PVT Squeakems gains ability: Rampage (continues to attack every creature in play, takes no damage, place in graveyard after turn).
